Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The 25

My 25.
  1. I have recurring nightmares that I am forced to put a giant contact into my eye. I can never get it to fit.
  2. I used to watch Baywatch like every afternoon when I was little. I was obsessed with David Chokachi. Mmmm....
  3. My biggest dream or desire in my life is to have children of my own. I have this irrational fear that I won't be able to.
  4. I have never made a B before--on a report card or in a class. I am an overachiever. But I am sure my day is coming...
  5. I am persistent and stubborn. Sometimes these qualities are great, and sometimes not. Adam and I have had to learn how to compromise when it comes to disagreements :) More like I had to learn haha (and am still learning)
  6. I have thought about this 25 list for the past two weeks...I couldn't get it out of my head so I decided I should just do it so I can stop thinking of my 25...
  7. Whenever I talk to old people (especially if they are my patients), my voice gets about two pitches higher and transforms into a thick, southern accent. Weird? Yes. Annoying? Yes. 
  8. I honestly believe Katy and I were made to be best friends. I don't know anyone else that clicks with me the way that she does.
  9.  I still love my highschool friends! We would still hang out all the time if we weren't so far away.
  10. It makes me laugh to think that Adam and I were in the same 5th grade class together. I met my "potential hubby" in the 5th grade!! CRAZY...But he doesn't remember me hahahaha
  11. I wish my hair were thicker :(
  12. I once helped to save a life--a choking 1 year olds life! Praise God for CPR courses.
  13. I never realized, until a few nights ago, how close I came to losing my baby sister when I was younger!! She was hit by a car but walked away with scratches...
  14. I hadn't really thought much of it since it happened way back then, until I had a nightmare about my dog being run over by a car. Which led to me thinking about Hannah...I still have that image in my head of her running out in the street. 
  15. The summer after my freshman year of college was one of the best and most challenging summers I've ever had. I did an internship with Shoal Creek Community Church in Liberty, MO. I learned so much about myself that summer and made some incredible friendships...some I wish I still had. My heart aches when I think about how much I miss that summer.
  16. I think im going to have to have like 20 bridesmaids one day! 
  17. Adam is one of the most genuine and kind-hearted people I know. He is 100% loyal to whatever he commits himself to. I still get excited when I think about how much he loves me. 
  18. The Lord has spared me from a lot of heartache thus far in my life. I am incredibly blessed to be where I am now.
  19. I want nothing more than for people to look at my life and see Christ. I want people to feel and see His love through me. This sounds so cliche but it really is something I desire. I cannot imagine walking this earth not feeling the love that I do each day from Him. I can't imagine not having His strength to rely on each day. 
  20. The coolest thing to me is this: God's grace is renewed each day. There is nothing I could do that will separate me from His love. I am a wretched person! I do and think and say awful things!! I have an ugly heart, yet He still chooses me? Unfathomable. 
  21. I see this picture of God's grace through Adam.
  22. I read people's blogs daily that I have never met before. Call me pathetic but I love reading about people's lives--their struggles, pains, joys. Raw life is beautiful and it is something that interests me. People are fascinating!! 
  23. I have to have the right amount of ice to diet coke in my glass. Otherwise, it doesn't taste as good to me. 
  24. I HATE when cold things touch my skin!! Ewwww.
  25. I sometimes long to be a child again. I miss the beauty of innocence and dependance. Being an adult has its perks, but I sometimes wish.....just for one day....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just now read your 25. and i love the one about us being best friends :)

we definitely were made for best friends... for life.... i love you!