Sunday, April 5, 2009


I know all of my MILLION readers will be happy to see a new post :) JK jk but for anyone who is interested in my riveting life, I am finally making time to blog. Well, lets just say I'm pushing other non-important things (like homework and my laundry) aside to blog. Cue applause and excitement!!!

Ok, but for real.

Things that I love lately:

--TLC shows. Seriously, so interesting. Currently, "I didn't know I was pregnant" is on. These women are having 8ib babies in public bathrooms and in the woods and crap. How do you not know your pregnant? Really?! One woman had twins and didn't even know it. I mean, do you not notice something different?? No period in 9 months=not good. Weight gain in your lower belly region and weird movements=something might be in there??! I guess that is why there is a show about it, because it is so bizzare and extremely interesting. Next up on TLC ((my new fav channel)) is "Paralyzed and Pregnant" then "Woman with giant legs." Be warned, the actors on this show are r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s.

---Speaking of pregnancy and babies, I worked in the NICU on saturday and it was wonderful. I got to rock and bathe and feed little babies all day. You people are paying me to do this?! Okay fine. I won't object. They were so tiny and precious too.

---The idea of living in a house. I am sick of the noises that accompany apartment life. I think the people below us host a mini-rave on the weekends and late at night. On top of that, I don't really even know who lives there--i see people in and out all day long. Interesting. I'm also sick of the parking spot battles. I will be so spoiled when I can pull into a driveway and come and go as I please, not worried about having to trek across the atlantic to reach my apartment.

--Summer, of course. I get restless at this time of the year. I'm 30 days from freedom....ahhh. I have no idea where I will be working or living right now, I mean I have ideas but I don't really know what the summer holds yet. But nevertheless, I'm ready for it to be here! I won't know what to do with myself...

--Reading blogs. I love them. I follow many. Most of the blogs I read, I really have no idea who the person is. Two of the blogs I read are about babies who are sick, like Baby Stellan and Baby Jonah, both of which need lots of prayer!! But mostly, I just love blogs because it allows you to keep up with people that you live far from!! Facebook is lovely and all, but blogs are just so much more personal and intriguing.

--This past Friday I got to dress up in some awesome 80's gear for Klife's 5K which was so fun. I will take any excuse to rock a side pony and hot pink lipstick. Here's a few pics from the night.


kara said...

TLC shows, two thumbs way way up.
working in NICU, yes... yes.
living in a house, WONDERFUL.
summer, of course!
blogs, yep.
annnnnnnnd, 80's outfit, YES PLEASE.

i'm one of your millions ;)

Anonymous said...

First thing: This girl that commented before me, Kara, she's lying. Her and I are your only followers. Don't be fooled!! :]

second thing: I long to live in a house again too!! I loved having a parking spot always there and not having noise coming from my ceiling!! But God has called me to serve my neighbors above me and I take them home baked goodies every now and then.

third thing: I'm going to be a on show called "the girl who doesn't know what she wants to do with the rest of her life". It should be rather boring, but the ratings will be sky high, I just know it.

last but not least: i love you. [especially when you dress 80's!] :]