Monday, February 1, 2010


A challenging thought, sparked by Neil Greathouse's sermon this week (

What if we thought of people in terms of souls? What if we saw and treated people in terms of their soul.....Each person has a soul that is going to spend eternity somewhere. That could be one of two places: heaven and hell.
What if all it took for that soul to spend eternity in heaven was for you to be a bit uncomfortable, spare a half a tank of gas, spend a few dollars, sacrifice an hour of your time? What if all it took was for you to pay attention to them, compliment their sweater, converse with them about the weather?

People are hurting.

People are screaming on the inside, confused, angry, depressed, horribly upset.
Their eyes speak of years of searching, wandering. Their eyes speak of a pain so deep that only Christ could touch it.

But if we spend our lives walking around on our cellphones, ipods blasting in our ears, heads bent down, staring at sidewalks, we won't have a chance to see those eyes. We won't have a chance to reach those hearts.

And that soul could spend eternity in hell, simply because we didn't want to be uncomfortable or awkward or waste time in seemingly pointless conversations. Jesus cares about those conversations. And He certainly cares about those eyes, those souls.