Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A heart full

Thank you Jesus for.....

-High school friends that I still love to be around and can catch up with as if NO time has passed.
-Two weeks of no work before I start my new job.
-My front porch swing :) (Well, technically it isn't mine, but its all good)
-Snow cones in the summer
-Tan lines
-Fruity wine
-Movies in the Park
-Free time to read my little heart out

Monday, May 18, 2009

Rest in peace


Went the poor little turtle that we ran over today :(

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I have been done with school for a week now and I could not be more happy. With this break, I find myself with time. Time for sleep, lots of reflection, reading, and just relaxing. I used to write poetry all the time in high school and I found myself inspired the other day. I have decided to share it with you all, something I don't normally do but I thought I would, so enjoy.

     I remember moments of bliss. 

Moments where you were all I wanted and needed. You were the only thing in sight, and I was happy. 

But those moments have withered and fallen, like autumn leaves.

 And now I feel barren, 



I reach out, in many different directions, searching. Wanting. Hoping. I long to be found. To be touched. To be desired. 

I feel light, I see rays peaking through the thick, billowing clouds. 

But one quick glance at my shriveled soul, and I am searching again. 

The sky rumbles, as icy cold drops begin to fall, 



                   and slide down my back. 

I wait patiently for a break, a peace, silence. But these rain drops keep on falling…


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A post worth reading

     Grace. Something I hope to never take for granted. Something I rely upon these days. Something so beautiful and perfect, it cannot be of this world. Unrelenting forgiveness. Unconditional and unrestricted acceptance. Who could fathom such a thing, much less offer it? No one in this world, I assure you.


I am so conditional. So judgmental. So restricted in the way that I love, befriend, encourage, support. Everything I do is for some sort of selfish gain. The only “selfless” part of me is the Christ in me. I love to be loved in return. I help to be helped. I encourage to build up my own self-satisfaction. I am so absorbed in self that I couldn’t imagine doing something that had no benefit in return.


This brings me back to Christ. What is in it for him, to forgive? What good is it to him, to continuously offer grace and acceptance? Why would he do something, over and over again without growing weary or tired? Sure, I could forgive someone once, maybe twice for the same thing. But three, four, five times? You better believe I have already cut ties, erased memories, and warned everyone in my vicinity to put up their guard. That is just who I am—very unlike Christ.


But to Christ, it is only once. Once he offers this blanket of forigiveness, he forgets those things. I assure you, "As far as the east is form the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us." (Psalm 103:12). Sounds to good to be true. And it is. But that is just the nature of Christ. He IS too good to be true in our feeble little minds. We are of this world and think through the clouded lenses of this world. Of course we aren't going to understand it. We weren't meant to wrap our minds neatly around Christ. He is infinite and omniscient. We are temporary and limited in this life. 

Which is why we need Christ. We weren't meant to have everything together. We weren't meant to be perfect. We were meant to be human--sinful, wretched humans (because of the fall of man). It is through the realization of our brokenness and limitations that we see the need for Christ. When we come to accept that we will never get it right this side of earth, we can finally say "Yes, Lord. I need you." I need your love, protection, salvation. But most importantly, I need your grace

Your grace is enough. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Exciting news

Just wanted to take a second and update the ol' blog on some pretty fun news!

1. KRIS ALLEN is in the TOP 3 (As if you didn't already know) and is coming to CONWAY to do his hometown performance!! AHhh so fun. I will DEFINITELY be in the crowd. You should look for me, because I mean, there won't be a bazillion people there or anything. 
2. I got the job!!!! I am a officially a VALOR --VA learning Opportunity Resident. What the h is that, you ask? Basically, I get paid a pretty penny to follow around a nurse all summer. I will be learning sooo much and seeing lots of cool things. Super excited. Praise Jesus! The process was pretty competitive but I guess I made a nice impression, or am just really blessed ;)
3. I am all moved in!! No more apartment. No more residential housing. No more annoying neighbors. Hello wonderful house! Hello cute little room of my OWN! Hello fire pit, porch swing, double tire swings, blackberry bush, and PRECIOUS roommates. Hello SUMMER :) There will most def be pictures to follow. My room is a mess and a half right now so it will take me a day or two to get settled in. 
4. The last good news: ONE FINAL TIL SUMMER. and my senior year of college. 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

So close

Summer is so close, I can taste it! Ahhh. 

What have I been doing the last few days?
-Painting. Priming. Spackling. (Who knew I could do such things??)
-NOT studying for my finals
-Getting my new room/house ready so I can move in ASAP!!! So excited.
-Job interviewing
-Packing, packing, and more packing!
-Applying for grad school, eeek! (Just one class for this next semester though, shouldn't be too tough!)
-Getting ready to be a senior nursing student, umm wow. Time has flown!! I have one year left before I officially grown. Weird.