Thursday, May 7, 2009

Exciting news

Just wanted to take a second and update the ol' blog on some pretty fun news!

1. KRIS ALLEN is in the TOP 3 (As if you didn't already know) and is coming to CONWAY to do his hometown performance!! AHhh so fun. I will DEFINITELY be in the crowd. You should look for me, because I mean, there won't be a bazillion people there or anything. 
2. I got the job!!!! I am a officially a VALOR --VA learning Opportunity Resident. What the h is that, you ask? Basically, I get paid a pretty penny to follow around a nurse all summer. I will be learning sooo much and seeing lots of cool things. Super excited. Praise Jesus! The process was pretty competitive but I guess I made a nice impression, or am just really blessed ;)
3. I am all moved in!! No more apartment. No more residential housing. No more annoying neighbors. Hello wonderful house! Hello cute little room of my OWN! Hello fire pit, porch swing, double tire swings, blackberry bush, and PRECIOUS roommates. Hello SUMMER :) There will most def be pictures to follow. My room is a mess and a half right now so it will take me a day or two to get settled in. 
4. The last good news: ONE FINAL TIL SUMMER. and my senior year of college. 

1 comment:

kara said...

hooray! moving into a house is the greatest feeling! and so is officially being a senior :)