Friday, February 27, 2009

Kris Allen

     So, I've never been much of an idol watcher. I mean, I have watched the tryout portion of the show a few times, but I have never followed a season like I have this season. And that's simply because of Kris Allen!! It's really neat to see someone like that on national television--to read about him in the tabloids, etc. If anyone is deserving to be on that show, it's Kris! I don't know him personally but I have only ever heard wonderful things about him. And his wife is absolutely precious!!! I teared up watching her reaction when he was announced as Top 12 last night! It was just so adorable. I will continue to watch and vote like crazy and I hope that he makes it far!!! WOOHOO

     I love that I can actually play a part in him making it far on the show--I mean, maybe my votes don't make a huge difference, but it's a difference none the less. It's been really inspiring to watch how Conway has pulled together to support Kris! People are coming together to host watch parties and vote. There have been flyers made, news segments, radio announcements, etc! I mean, I was in one of my nursing classes the other day and someone had written an announcement for him on the marker board. How cool is that? K-life is also a HUGE supporter of Kris!! Love it.

     I think it speaks mountains that he has made it this far with as little air time as he has had thus far. I mean, at the beginning of the show and in hollywood--we were straining our eyes, pausing the DVR and saying "Is that him?! Is that the back of his head??" You wouldn't even know who he was if he hadn't made it to the top 36! But, his voice and performance have gotten him through--which is what it should be. Yay Kris!!!

Here's a video of him singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"--I snagged it off "Joe's Place Blog"

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kroger: it's Love-Hate relationship


Things I hate about you
-You are always so crowded whenever I seem to find the time to go. Never go to Kroger on a Sunday afternoon, or on a weekday between 4-6. You are always infested with soccer-mom's-on-speed. They pick up their kids from school, then head to the grocers for some supper fixin's. Those women are on a freaking mission!! You are no longer a grocery store during those hours, you are a battlefield. Don't step out in front of these vicious ladies---they are not afraid of a little blood. 

-I always manage to pick out the cart that has only 3 working wheels. This means that whenever I need to maneuver around someone or something--perhaps a fruit stand or stray child--I have to literally pick the sucker up and slide it out of harms way. This is not a cute or quiet process. The working 3 wheels make an awful noise in protest, because, in fact, they are doing their job and do not see the necessity in being picked up. Sure, i manage to save the feral child's life, but I have attracted everyone else's attention in the process. Everyone wants to know who the idiot is trying to pop a wheelie with her shopping cart. No, fellow Kroger customer, I am not popping wheelies. I am saving your rampant child's life! Now go buy a child-leash and harness that baby!!! 

-Kroger, you are far too confusing and large for me to navigate. Please offer your customers a complimentary map at the the entrance so I don't look like such an idiot when I wander around the entire store in search of Pizza Zip!! Then, I could get my shopping done in a more efficient manner and not have to pace the aisle with my lame cart. Yes, I know Kroger should be relatively easy to navigate, but come on, some people just weren't made to instinctively know where things are. I have trouble finding my way home sometimes....

-You always cause a squabble between Adam and I. I am a one-track minded kind of person. I get in there and am thinking about everything I need to grab. I look at everything in the aisle to make sure I didn't miss something (which happens quite a lot). I am so focused on manuevering my ghetto fabulous cart and getting my items that I don't initiate getting out of people's way. Sure, I dodge the necessities (children, stacked displays, glass jars), but I am not too concerned with anything that is not in my or their immediate danger. Adam is so opposite. He is always getting out of the way, opening doors, moving things, etc. He gets so frustrated with me when I don't jump at this opportunity. I think it's kinda funny. Speaks a lot about his character! But definitely not mine ;) I am getting better tho! ((The gentleman below))
Things I love about you: 
-Kroger cards--although I can never seem to find that sucker in my wallet. I keep putting it in different places so I'll remember to use it, but then I end up looking where I put it the time before that and I can't seem to find the new residing place. I know, I know. I am a little ditzy at times. It's not my fault, I got it from Leah. 

-Self-checkout--I consider myself an independent girl, so naturally, I love the self-checkouts. It's easy, quick and usually never has lines (probably because it takes a while to figure out. That or people just have a fetish for watching the bag boy bag their groceries....HA)

Monday, February 9, 2009

No time. No blog.

Nursing school has officially taken over my life. I'm in my second year though!! It will be over before I know it. It's just hard to see the end right now... gurrr

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's Dia-beeties. Not Dia-beetus.

Two posts in one day? I must really be procrastinating :)
I just wanted to post something that has been on my mind lately--something silly that shouldn't be but is. 

     So, many of you know--at least if you know me personally you do--that I am a type I diabetic. I have had diabetes for a little over six years now. I was diagnosed at 14 and spent a week at Arkansas Children's Hospital. Fortunately, I haven't had any significant complications and have never had to be hospitalized because of it. Being in the healthcare profession has made me extra careful with controlling my diabetes. I get to learn every day about the complications and awful diseases that can be a result of diabetes (oaky, maybe not every day but it seems like it sometimes!) I will probably have heart disease when I'm older. I might start to lose the feeling in my legs one day. I could possibly have to have something amputated if I get 
an infected sore. I could go blind, deaf.....You get the picture. The LAST thing I want to do is live my life in fear of all of these nasty complications. I want to recognize that they could happen so that I will do everything in my power to control my blood sugars, but I refuse to let them haunt them. I refuse to be crippled with fear. I refuse to spend my life wondering in which form or fas
hion I will leave this earth. I am not guaranteed tomorrow and need to "let tomorrow worry about itself, for each day has enough trouble of its own". Matt 6:34 
    If you know me, you know that I am not afraid of talking about my disease. I think this was the first step for me in refusing to let this disease control me. I decided to be as open as possible with it. I will not let it keep me in the shadows. The Lord does not want me to become defeated. He allowed me to have this disease, therefore He will give me the courage and the strength to live each day with it. I just have to be more purposeful and responsible. I have to plan ahead and make sure I always have access to things like juice, plenty of insulin, and my glucometer. I have to be more intentional with working out--making sure I have eaten enough protein to get me through my run. 
     I'm not going to lie, there are days that I am down. There are days where I get frustrated and wish I could disconnect from the wires and 
toss my needles out the window. I am human. I am emotional. I am not invincible. The thing that probably annoys me the most about diabetes is when it sets me back or keeps me from doing something I would have done had I not been stricken with a low blood sugar, high blood sugar, or whatever. Sometimes I have to stop what I'm doing--take a break and drink a juice box. I don't like that. I want my diabetes to fit nicely into my life and not cause me any grief. I would love to just eat a donut and not think about all of the ridiculous questions that come with diabetes. How many carbs is in this? How much insulin will I have to give? What will this do to my blood sugar two hours later? 
    Ironically, as I type this my blood sugar is 348. Not cool. It should be in the 80-100 range. And its not. Therefore I have a headache, feel a little whoozy, and am extremely thirsty. Why is it three hundred you ask? Well, unfortunately, I can do everything right-- check my blood sugar before eating, bolus for how many carbs I ate, and yet it still isn't within normal limits. That's because things like stress, hormones, heat, exercise, and metabolism can affect your blood sugar. It also could be that my pump site is old, kinked, or clogged. This would mean that the bolus of insulin I administered never made it into my body. Talk about frustrating ;) However, I shouldn't complain because technological advancements have made this disease soo much more manageable. People used to have to pee on a stick every time they wanted to know their blood sugar level. Now THAT would suck. 
     I made a choice somewhere down the line that I would embrace diabetes. I made a choice that I would live with it and not against it. I will not spend my life resenting or pouting or asking for pity. This blog is definitely not meant for people to feel sorry for me! I am blessed beyond measure. I am completely healthy, despite the diabetes, and even then I am more fortunate then some. I have a Father who has a plan for me--who loves me and cares for me and gives me strength to live each day. 
     My main desire is this: I want to be able to take this courage that I have been given and help others. I want to be able to be a light for those who have let this disease pull them in the shadows. I want to be able to make a difference in their lives, because I know what they are going through. I feel their pain. I feel their frustration. Most importantly, I have felt their hopelessness. But that is no place to live. A heart without hope is a dead heart. 

I have no idea why I just wrote all of this but I felt compelled to and it helped me to get it off my chest! I hope that it can help someone, anyone. Then this nasty ol' disease I have can be worth it!