Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kroger: it's Love-Hate relationship


Things I hate about you
-You are always so crowded whenever I seem to find the time to go. Never go to Kroger on a Sunday afternoon, or on a weekday between 4-6. You are always infested with soccer-mom's-on-speed. They pick up their kids from school, then head to the grocers for some supper fixin's. Those women are on a freaking mission!! You are no longer a grocery store during those hours, you are a battlefield. Don't step out in front of these vicious ladies---they are not afraid of a little blood. 

-I always manage to pick out the cart that has only 3 working wheels. This means that whenever I need to maneuver around someone or something--perhaps a fruit stand or stray child--I have to literally pick the sucker up and slide it out of harms way. This is not a cute or quiet process. The working 3 wheels make an awful noise in protest, because, in fact, they are doing their job and do not see the necessity in being picked up. Sure, i manage to save the feral child's life, but I have attracted everyone else's attention in the process. Everyone wants to know who the idiot is trying to pop a wheelie with her shopping cart. No, fellow Kroger customer, I am not popping wheelies. I am saving your rampant child's life! Now go buy a child-leash and harness that baby!!! 

-Kroger, you are far too confusing and large for me to navigate. Please offer your customers a complimentary map at the the entrance so I don't look like such an idiot when I wander around the entire store in search of Pizza Zip!! Then, I could get my shopping done in a more efficient manner and not have to pace the aisle with my lame cart. Yes, I know Kroger should be relatively easy to navigate, but come on, some people just weren't made to instinctively know where things are. I have trouble finding my way home sometimes....

-You always cause a squabble between Adam and I. I am a one-track minded kind of person. I get in there and am thinking about everything I need to grab. I look at everything in the aisle to make sure I didn't miss something (which happens quite a lot). I am so focused on manuevering my ghetto fabulous cart and getting my items that I don't initiate getting out of people's way. Sure, I dodge the necessities (children, stacked displays, glass jars), but I am not too concerned with anything that is not in my or their immediate danger. Adam is so opposite. He is always getting out of the way, opening doors, moving things, etc. He gets so frustrated with me when I don't jump at this opportunity. I think it's kinda funny. Speaks a lot about his character! But definitely not mine ;) I am getting better tho! ((The gentleman below))
Things I love about you: 
-Kroger cards--although I can never seem to find that sucker in my wallet. I keep putting it in different places so I'll remember to use it, but then I end up looking where I put it the time before that and I can't seem to find the new residing place. I know, I know. I am a little ditzy at times. It's not my fault, I got it from Leah. 

-Self-checkout--I consider myself an independent girl, so naturally, I love the self-checkouts. It's easy, quick and usually never has lines (probably because it takes a while to figure out. That or people just have a fetish for watching the bag boy bag their groceries....HA)


Unknown said...

ditzy huh?! at least i have a sense of direction... :)

DietCokeStraightUp said...

I so hear you!!! Those stores are huge!!! I get lost and then it takes me twice as long to get in and out.