Monday, October 26, 2009

A New Beginning

It is incredible how much your life can change in just a few short weeks. One second your life is perfectly planned out, in a nice, neat cookie-cutter image. The next second, your future is a big white blurr. I am excited, do not get me wrong. The Lord has moved in me in ways that I haven't experienced in years. I am both excited and terrified. A wide-open future is enticing and exhilarating at times. But it is also extremely scary to step out in the unknown. Stepping out into the unknown takes a whole lot of trust and faith. Trust that the Lord is beside you, every step of the way. And faith that He is leading you in the direction. I am more ready now, then ever before, to accept the Lord's provision in my life. I am about to be in a transition point, here in a few short months. I have no idea where I will be come May, June, or July. I could be literally, anywhere. Man, does Jesus have a sense of humor or what? He just lets me think I have control, then when I need it most, He puts me in my place. And I am SO thankful. SO grateful for that! I am so overwhelmed at His faithfulness. I am in awe of His unconditional love. I would not choose to be anywhere else but then where I am at right now--in the pain, struggle, and fear.
I owe it all to Him and my prayer is that He will take this life and use it to further His kingdom. I want my life to be for His glory. Woe is me!


Inexchange said...

i love you!!!!
and you can come to nashville.
you will like it very much. we have lots and lots of hospitals and I hear 4 sirens every day (sidenote)

autumn scrivner said...

i love you erika. i'm so thankful that you are in my life to continually push me towards Him. i love our friendship.

katie said...

thinking of you, erika! Isaiah 40:31