Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dear Left Foot.

Dear Left Foot,
I wish that you would stop tingling so. I have grown to despise your constant "I'm Falling Asleep" burning sensation. Just wake up already!! It has been almost a week, I think it is finally time.

     Okay so for real, my foot has been doing this weird sensation since Sunday night, after I worked a 12 hour shift. Well, finally on Thursday I got tired of it and went to my trusty Chiropractor! Turns out I have a bulging disk in the L5 space which is pressing on my sciatic nerve. WONDERFUL! I've been icing my back like 4 times a day since Thursday and have to get adjusted twice a week for two weeks. As if I needed another thing to fit into my schedule... OH well...I just want the tingling to go away. 

     I also found out that I have a birth defect in my spine--a mild form of Spina Bifida called Spina Bifida Occulta. Who would have known? Apparently a lot of people have this, like up to 30-40% of the population, but it doesn't normally produce symptoms. Basically, my L5 didn't finish ossifying (the bone forming) so the vertebrae is weaker and the surrounding muscles have to work harder. Which is explains why I have had chronic low back pain since I was 14. It never has been excruciating pain or enough to take pain meds, just an annoying ache if I am on my feet a lot, exercise too much, etc. I just thought this bit of information was interesting! 

Here is a picture I found on my computer of me and my Dad! I thought it was precious and had to share!

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