Sunday, January 25, 2009


     Some days it seems I can do nothing right...haha I am a bit accident prone/clumsy/ditzy whatever you prefer to call it! Adam and I made dinner tonight except I kept messing everything up. First it was the rice. I put the water and the rice in the pot together....before I put it on boil. Then it was the cheese. I spilled half the bag on the floor en route to the tortillas on the counter. I am always doing stuff like that--burning fingers, putting in the wet ingredients with the dry, underbaking and overbaking. I just have to laugh at myself though. That is what I am good that!! I can laugh. Adam will just have to put up with me :) It does irritate him though. He is so opposite of me in regards to how the kitchen is run or how his apartment is set up. EVERYTHING has a home. I'm not kidding. I'm not exaggerating. If I put my shoes too close to the recliner, he will move them two inches to the right. If i drop one grain of rice on the ground, he will go by and pick it up. It's quite comical to watch. His pillows on his bed are THE WORST!!! Each pillow serves a purpose, and he has about ten of them. One for his head, one for his feet, one between his legs, one on top of his head.....the list goes on. His covers are arranged ever so perfectly. My favorite thing is to jump in his bed and mess all the covers up. Its funny to watch him try to not care. He'll tense up a little bit as I launch myself on top of his perfectly arranged bed and as soon as I leave, he is putting things back to order. 

I guess he will have to get used to a little chaos in his life ;) 


Anonymous said...

i love your clumsiness... and cluelessness... and craziness... and cleptomaniac-ness..... ok just kidding, but really... i love how you keep things lighthearted.. you are a keeper... so i'm gonna keep keepin you.

Anonymous said...

I think that is great for Adam to get used to! And you have to get used to everything has a home. I bet God just laughs at you two sometimes. . .like when the cheese goes everywhere. . .haha! miss you miss you misssssss youuuuu!

oh and pillows? I have 3 that are suppose to go on my bed but never do. 2 pillows are good enough for me!

i would clean up the spilt cheese and let you jump in my un-made bed. . .so just come to KS! :)