Monday, April 20, 2009

All in a day

Yes that just happened.

1. On Sunday, I woke up and felt the urge to go for a run. So, I threw on my tennies and headed to the local trail. I'm running along minding my own business, pretending to be really in shape, when I see some huge creature out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look, and behold, THREE HUGE deer run, rather frolick, in front of my path. Now, the trail I'm on is not in the middle of the countryside. It's paved and located off of a main street. What are three deer doing on a running trail?! More importantly, why wasn't anyone near me to laugh histarically with me?!! I turn to look and there is not a soul in sight. Rats. I was kind of freaked out at one point, because after they crossed my path, they realized I was a human, got freaked out themselves, and re-crossed my path. I was ready to jump in the nearest tree if that were the case. 
     This story reminds me of the time Katy and I were driving around my old neighborhood in highschool. I think I had just turned 16 and was obsessed with driving at that point because we were just tootling around the neighborhood for no real reason. We decided it'd be fun to check out the round-a-bout that is conveinietly located in the next neighborhood over. Better yet, we decided to ride around the roud-a-bout like ten times in a row. As we were completing our fourth or fifth round, out of NOWHERE, and I mean NOWHERE a stampeded of deer darts out in front of my car. I am forced to slam on the breaks and we (well actually just me, because Katy screamed and ducked in the floorboard) watch as like 12 deer shoot in front of my car. I barely missed those suckers. It was probably one of the funniest moments in my life. I mean, Katy and I just sat there laughing for a good ten minutes after. She thought it was a fox coming through the windshield. I had no idea what I thought it was. It was freaky. And hillarious. 

2. The other day, while picking up some groceries at the store, I asked to set some of the bags on the counter for a second. I then proceded to say, "Sorry, I just don't have enough hands!!" I then realize, to my horror, that the lady behing the counter has only one hand. Seriously?! Really? Man. I felt super awkward. I did what I do best, just giggled and smiled and walked away. I hope she had a good humor about it. I didn't stay around long enough to find out. 


Anonymous said...

hahaha i will forever love that deer story. It makes me laugh every time. I just remember thinking it was a pack of wolves [of course] charging our car. I remember screaming so loud... like a high-pitched, 15 second long, girly scream. And as I screamed, I slapped my hands on my legs over and over ... in complete panic. And then we laughed for 10 minutes.. it was the hardest I've ever laughed in my life, and i think we probably cried and peed our pants too.


kara said...

ohhhh my goodness, don't you love blunders like that??

callie alise said...

hahahaha.... that story about the one-armed lady just made me laugh out loud..... and i probably just woke up my parents.... BUT in two weeks... when i laugh out loud in the middle of the night.. it will be YOU that i wake up... (yay for box fans!)